Best Homeopathy Clinic in UAE

Dr. Titty Daniel (Homeopathy Physician in UAE)

Dr.Titty Daniel  B.H.M.S is the managing director of Homoeopathic Department, Al Sherouq Medical Center LLC, Rolla, Sharjah, U.A.E. His individual approach to treatment maximizes success and minimize side effects. Dr. Titty Daniel has been working as a Homoeopathic Physician in Sharjah for the last 16 years. He is currently working as a Homeopathic Physician at Al Sherouq Medical Center LLC, located on Al Arouba Street in the Orient Building, 1st floor, Rolla, Sharjah, U.A.E. He is one of the best doctor of  Homeopathy in UAE. He has received the state award from Institution of Homoeopaths, Kerala for Audio program held in Dubai in the year 2010.

– Gave talks on many radio program about Homeopathy in UAE
– Dr Titty Daniel has written many article & Case reports in IHK news and Homoeopathy service (Kerala Govt. Homoeopathy Medical officer’s association)
– Presented many papers at the Homoeopathic Association in Sharjah-UAE
– Dr.Titty Daniel was the president of IHK, Thiruvalla unit for consecutive 3 years from 2001 to 2003

As A Trainer

  • The teaching faculty of Kerala Govt. Homoeo Medical Officers Association 2001-2002
  • Teaching faculty of Institution of Homoeopaths, Kerala – 2003-2004
  • Lecturer, Karnataka Homoeopathic Medical College, Hubli
  • Tutor, Muzzaffarpur Homoeopathic Medical College, Muzaffarpur
  • Charter member of Junior Chamber, Adoor
  • Organizer to youth club, Junior Chamber, Adoor
  • A paper presented on Role of Homoeopathy in Chronic Diseases Atat Al Beraha Hospital Auditorium, Dubai on 26.05.2010
  • Member of Toast Masters International Sharjah-UAE
  • Presented a paper on the subject ‘ Psychosomatic Disease And Its Homoeopathic Management ‘ at Ayush International Conference, World Trade Centre, Dubai on 10-11-2017.

Research Works

He is conducting researches in treatment for Rheumatoid arthritis, Allergic Diseases, Psychosomatic diseases, and gastrointestinal disorders. He is focusing on psychosomatic diseases, where the laboratory report may be normal yet patients will suffer from various discomforts.

Homeopathy clinic in Sharjah : Dr. Titty Homeopathy is one of the  best homeopathy clinic in UAE.